One of the biggest yet simplest things I've ever done to create the life I truly love was first getting to know myself and what I truly wanted.
Then once I knew what I truly wanted and had a solid goal, I wrote down three tiny, actionable steps.
I thought there was no way I'd ever get to where I wanted to go with these three steps, but they were small things that could move me there.
The funny thing is, those three steps were probably the number one factor that really got me to where I am today. I had this dream, this idea of moving to the coast in BC, Canada, while living in Ontario, Canada.
I had no idea exactly what to do or how to do it, and I had never had a family member move that far away. There was no one close to me that I could talk to about moving.
But in January 2020, my heart had a really big dream. I wrote that dream down on paper to turn it into a goal. Under that goal, I wrote down three steps: one was to talk to our real estate agent, another was to figure out what it would be like to live in BC, and the third was to start decluttering our house and packing because I wasn't quite sure what else number three would be, so I thought I could declutter and pack to get things started.
Well, the first step kind of escalated the rest of our journey, and less than a year later, we were in our new home on the coast in BC.
Life can be that easy, that simple, when you immerse yourself in what you truly want, what your heart wants.
Now, I'm not going to say it was all sunshine and rainbows, because it wasn't. There was a lot of blood, sweat, and tears—okay, maybe less blood—but I had some serious gut issues from the stress of packing and moving across the country.
The initial process was pretty darn easy because when we listen to our hearts, they will guide us to where we want to go.
So as this new year unfolds and you may feel a little overwhelmed about where to begin, ask yourself how you want to feel this year? How could you achieve that feeling this year?
What would happen if you embrace who you truly are?!
The possibilities are endless.
But where do you start?
Right where you are!
Also, the Embrace Who You Are Masterclass can help too.
It's a free Masterclass that takes you through 3 Steps to Living Life Authenticity!